The best is yet to come!

Bryan Snuffer Art

Fine Art & Illustration

For more than 25 Years
Welcome to my new website! I am a full time fine artist and illustrator. For than 25 years I have been creating commercial illustration, military fine art and Lucasfilm artwork. My studio is always open to new commissions and I hope to serve you soon!

Get my latest print, Fight, Fight, Fight! Not many left!


Commission the Best! 🇺🇸

About Bryan Snuffer

Born and raised in Muskegon, Michigan, Bryan still makes his home there with his four children and wife Dawn. Growing up on Lake Michigan has been a blast for sure. Being able to live and work on the shores of one of the largest inland lakes in the world has been a wonderful thing. Bryan began his art career when he was a child when his father mentioned to him that thought he was bound to become a commercial artist while watching Bryan draw one day. That seemed to stick. So it was off with the thoughts of becoming an astronaut and on to becoming an artist. It was, however, many years later that that dream would become reality. Only while in his thirties and after having a wife and several children and a home to look after that Bryan decided it was time to start making that become a vision become a reality. So while armed with a beautiful family he began forging a career that has arrived today as a full time vocation. Bryan has been working with the U.S. Coast Guard, Air Force and Navy for many years now and his work has illustrated the history of their respective aviation programs. Bryan's work is proudly displayed in many personal collections around the world. He has had the privilege of having work displayed in many military and museum collections. Included in these are the National Museum of Naval Aviation. the Pentagon, 160th Special Operations AviationRegiment (Airborne), Coast Guard Headquarters, Navla Air Station Whidbey Island, Coast Guard Air Stations Detroit, Traverse City, Barber's Point, Sitka, Kodiak, ATC Mobile, Elizabrth City, Savannah, Clearwater and more! Bryan has the distinct honor of being the recipient of the 2016 R.G. Smith Award. One that is given once a year to an artist that has acheived excellence in Naval Aviation Art.

Shipping & Returns

Trusted safe delivery
To deliver your favorite products, we have become partners with the most reliable companies. We are ready to entrust them with your orders and are always on your side if something goes wrong. If you have any concerns over delivery please leave your concerns in the comments at check or contact me. We will be happy to assist you for eligible returns, with a return instructions and the return shipping address. If you need a return or exchange, send us an email so we can discuss a replacement. If you have prints or originals that have been damaged by the shipper please contact me right away. I insured all of my orders. I will ship out a replacement immediately! No need to worry about insurance or delays. You deserve top flight service!

Come visit me!

I don't usually have visitors but I love the opportunity to visit clients and collectors. Just contact the studio for directions.
Daily 10:00 AM — 7:00 PM